Tamil keyboard shortcut keys

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Remember that although reassigning an unused shortcut might make sense in your app, your users are likely to know and expect the original, established meaning. For simultaneous keyboard shortcuts, one usually first holds down the s , then quickly presses and releases the regular non-modifier key, and finally releases the modifier key s. Ctrl + A Select all text. tamil keyboard shortcut keys

This command is a bit more advanced than the one above, because aside from shutting your current program, it also closes all your opened programs in a blink of an eye. If you wish to rename this shortcut, right-click the file and click Rename. At times, usually on platforms, the case of the second character is significant — if the character would normally require pressing the to type, then the Shift key is part of the shortcut e. This shortcut immediately exits the document that is currently running and will most probably upset the victim. Shortcut keys ABCs Shortcut keys help provide an easier and usually quicker method of navigating and using computer software programs.

ALT+TAB Switch between the open items 23. If your app does not perform the task associated with a recommended shortcut, think very carefully before you consider overriding it. Google AdSense Host API This service allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can earn money from ads on your articles. tamil keyboard shortcut keys

Keyboard Shortcut Key Guide - F6 key Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop 25. TAB Move forward through the options 4. tamil keyboard shortcut keys

Shortcut keys ABCs Shortcut keys help provide an easier and usually quicker method of navigating and using computer software programs. Shortcut keys are commonly accessed by using the on IBM compatible computers , on Apple computers , , or in conjunction with a single letter. The de facto standard for listing a shortcut is listing the , a , and the single. In addition to the shortcuts listed on this page, users can find the shortcut keys to their most popular program by looking for letters in their menus. This means you can press the Alt key and F to access the File menu. Note: Some programs require the user press and hold ALT to see the underlined characters. Finally, as can also be seen some of the common features such as Open Ctrl+O and Save Ctrl+S have shortcut keys assigned to them. We have the most commonly shared shortcut keys in the below. Tip: Users outside the United States or users using a foreign copy of a Microsoft Windows or Microsoft application may not be able to get all the below shortcut keys to perform the function listed below. Basic PC shortcut keys The below basic shortcut keys are a listing of shortcut keys that will work with almost all IBM compatible computers and software programs. It is highly recommended that all users keep a good reference of the below shortcut keys or try to memorize the below keys. Doing so will dramatically increase your productivity. Shortcut Keys Description Alt + F File menu options in current program. Alt + E Edit options in current program F1 Universal Help in almost every Windows program. Ctrl + A Select all text. Ctrl + F Open find window for current document or window. Ctrl + X selected item. Shift + Del Cut selected item. Ctrl + C selected item. Ctrl + Ins Copy selected item Ctrl + V Shift + Ins Paste Ctrl + P Print the current page or document. Home Goes to beginning of current line. Ctrl + Home Goes to beginning of document. End Goes to end of current line. Ctrl + End Goes to end of document. Shift + Home Highlights from current position to beginning of line. Shift + End Highlights from current position to end of line. Ctrl + Left arrow Moves one word to the left at a time. Ctrl + Right arrow Moves one word to the right at a time.

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